24/7 Mobile Locksmith Service

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Our garages serve many different purposes. They may even hold some of our most prized possessions, whether they be cars, storage boxes, or memorabilia. While it may not be a priority for everyone to have their garage highly secured, there are many of us who may either wonder or worry about the safety of our belongings in our garages, regardless of their monetary value.
Have you considered if you might benefit from additional security on your garage? What kind of options are available to you in terms of lock and key systems for your garage specifically? In the event you find yourself needing extra security for your garage, we hope that the following article will help you decide which kind of lock to invest in for your garage. You will also learn of other options for garage security you may have not yet considered. As you read through the following article, consider how much traffic comes in and out of your garage, how often you leave your home unattended, and whether or not you will need multiple keys made for multiple family members.
A traditional lock system may be a good option for your needs. There are several different kinds of garage door locks of this type that you can choose from. One really common garage door locking option has a handle that is a little bit longer and thinner than a traditional door-knob, making it easier to grab and lift up the garage door. This lock goes on your garage door and serves as added protection your garage. It needs to be manually locked and unlocked, but this is a great option for families of all kinds.
This common type of garage door lock is highly secure. A keypad garage door runs on an electronic system and requires either a remote to open or a pin number on a keypad. You have likely seen these number pads on the side of the garage door on the outside, about four or five feet up on the inner frame. These types of garage door locks also usually come with handheld remotes that can open and shut the garage. They are typically placed somewhere within the car, such as on the car’s sun visor, for easy access and use when coming to and from the garage.
Depending on your budget, there are options to purchase a more sophisticated garage door lock. If you have a lot of traffic, family members, or just general activity in and out of your garage, this may be an option for you. Some newer models of garage doors come with wireless capabilities and certain monitoring tools. Once one of these systems is installed, you can have access to activity records of when the garage has been opened or shut. Be sure to talk to your local locksmith about whether or not a more advanced garage door lock system will better satisfy your needs.
There are several options for locks that will allow you to lock the garage door from the inside. Typically, locks of this type work best for garages that are attached to your home. So, for example, the best way to provide additional security in this instance would be to install a simple, but effective lock on the inside of the garage on the door. Overnight, you can secure the garage in place to prevent any sort of break-in to your garage. These types of locks may also be helpful if you frequently leave on vacations or business trips. Being able to have additional security by placing a sliding lock or a bolt lock inside of your garage on the door is a great option for a lot of people. You will be able to protect your garage, home, and other assets easily and at an extremely low cost.
Not sure if one of the locks mentioned above will satisfy your garage security needs and concerns? It is possible you may want to consider a security system, along with other additional security measures. Many homeowners are now implementing camera systems. A small camera or two on the outside of your garage can give you optimal security. Many security systems today come with added features, such as remote viewing and ways to quickly alert the authorities in the event of an emergency. Consider what valuables you keep stored in your garage and if your family might benefit from increased security if a lock and key system is not enough.
There is also the option to add motion-censored lights, for example, which can provide a deterrent for thieves and help prevent break-ins. Consider what other small, yet meaningful investments you can use in and around your garage to help increase security and safety. You will want to contact your local locksmith as well and ask what options have best served their customers in recent years and what they would personally recommend for you and your garage.