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You wouldn’t think that we would have to mention why it is so important to have a gun safe but unfortunately, there are some gun owners who still don’t get it! Unfortunately, in Elk Grove Village, Illinois we have had to explain the importance of having a gun safe to way too many gun owners. We already know that everyone who has a gun isn’t mature enough or responsible enough to own one. However, they do. If you feel that you are a responsible gun owner then you likely already have a safe to keep your gun in. If you don’t already have one and need convincing that it is the right thing to do, continue reading this article. Failure to comply with gun laws can result in your paying some pretty serious penalties.
Keeps it out of the hands of thieves – When someone breaks into your home, they may come across your gun. Many thieves understand the value of a gun and they will usually steal it if given the opportunity. They know that they can get street value (top dollar) for the gun and that is often why they will take it. Unfortunately, if someone has a criminal record, they won’t be able to purchase a gun legally. This is why they will look to buy one from someone on the street. If you have a gun that is stolen and it is used in a hold up or used to harm someone, remember that the gun is registered to you! You could be liable for anything that happens if your gun is used in a crime. Unfortunately, there are some people who don’t even know that their gun has been stolen until something happens to reveal it. This means that you likely didn’t report the gun missing and therefore it would make it difficult for you to plead your case. This is a good reason to invest in a gun safe. It protects your gun from getting into the wrong hands.
Keep away from children – Since children are so curious, you can’t be sure that they won’t get their hands on it if it isn’t in a safe. If it gets in the hands of a child, there is no telling what might happen. Just the thought of a gun getting into the hands of child is enough to make some go out and buy a gun safe right away. It would be easy for them to pull the trigger of some type’s guns. This has sometimes occurred and there are some who have had to live to regret it. Do yourself a favor and go out and purchase a gun safe today!
Safety - It goes without saying that keeping a gun in a safe will be the best way to avoid the possibility of it getting into the wrong hands. You and others are protected when the gun is in a safe. If someone broke into your home or if you had small children around, you could minimize the possibility of it getting into their hands. You, as the gun owner could be held liable for the anything that happens to someone who has your gun. Don’t take such unnecessary chances when you don’t have to. Suppose someone broke into your home and found your gun. Now suppose that you are home and in order to get what they want; they use the gun or you or a family member. You might not think the added expense of purchasing a gun safe is worth it until something like this happens but by then, it’s too late. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor by investing in a gun safe today.
Reduce Your Insurance Premium – Some insurance companies are happy to reduce your monthly homeowners’ insurance when they see that you are taking certain precautions. One of these is keeping your gun in a safe. Keeping your gun in a safe minimizes the chances of your gun being stolen. They notice your being responsible by storing your gun in a safe and they reward some of their clients for doing this. They realize that if they don’t have to pay out a claim due to an incident with your gun, they can pass the savings on to you. Which is what some insurance companies will do.
Insurance Claims – If you have homeowner’s insurance, you might think that if your gun is stolen, you’ll get market value for it. This is not the case. In most cases, you hardly ever get market value for a stolen gun. The best thing to do is to make sure your gun is never taken in the first place. You can only do this if you keep your gun stored in a gun safe.
Those same gun owners who think that nothing like the above could ever happen to them are the very ones that something like this happens to. Don’t ignore the possibility because as long as you have a gun, these things can happen to you. Instead of allowing anything like this to happen to you, take the necessary precautions by buying a gun safe. There are plenty of gun safes to choose from. While we understand the need for some people to own a gun for protection, we also understand how dangerous they can be.
This is why we are advising you of what to do to avoid an unfortunate incident from occurring. Regardless of your budget, there is sure to be one that meets your needs and your budget. Even if you buy an inexpensive safe today, it doesn’t mean that you can’t eventually upgrade later. The key is to be proactive by taking the necessary steps to secure your gun as soon as possible. You don’t have to wait for something to happen before buying a gun safe.